directory of environmental
related websites |
Selected Publications |
Florin Căldăraru, Cosmin Vatră, Mira Căldăraru - “Monitoring of volatile organic compounds using single tin dioxide sensor", Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Vol. 14, no.10, pp. 2616-2623, 2012
Florin Căldăraru, Alexandru Vasile, Cosmin Vatră - “VOCs Monitoring System Simulation and Design", The 5th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies”
26 - 29 August 2010, Constanta, Romania
Florin Căldăraru, Alexandru Vasile, Silvia Căldăraru - “Hardware Simulator of a Tin Dioxide Sensor Array
For Urban Pollution Monitoring", Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics,
Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IV. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 7297
(2009), pp. 729728-7 |
Alexandru Vasile, Irina Vasile, Florin
Căldăraru, Paul Schiopu, Andrei Drumea, Adina Tapu - "Coupling devices for smart transducers with optical
fiber link used in automotive industry”,Presented at the 4th edition of the International Conference:"Advanced
Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies"IV, Proceedings of the
SPIE, Volume 7297 (2009), pp. 72972C-5
Gheorghe Coară, Cosmin Vatră, Florin
Căldăraru,-"Versatile System for VOC Monitoring from Leather Finishing", International, Proceedings of Symposium “Leather
Industry - Environment and Progressive Technologies”,Ege University Department of Leather Engineering, Izmir,Turkey,April 29th- May 1st, 2009
Alexandru Vasile, Florin
Căldăraru, Mira Căldăraru - “Mems For Biosensors”,
Proceedings of the XXXI International Conference of IMAPS Poland Chapter
Rzeszów - Krasiczyn, 23 - 26 September 2007, p. 371-374, ISBN 978-83-917701-4-6 |
Căldăraru, Alexandru Vasile, Florin Căldăraru - “Analytical procedure for
multi gas detection from SnO2 semiconductor sensor”,SITME
Conference, 21-24 September 2006, Iasi, Romania |
Căldăraru, Alexandru Vasile, Mira Căldăraru - “Hardware simulator for design and characterization of MOEMS for
environmental applications”,
ATOM 2006 conference,
November 2006, Bucharest, Romania |
Florin Căldăraru, C. Ionescu, Alexandru Vasile,
Mira Căldăraru - “Chemo-Optical Sensor for Toxic Gases
Proceedings of the
28 th International Spring Seminar on Electronics
Technology: Meeting the Challenges of Electronics Technology Progress, 2005 |
Mira Căldăraru, A. Vasile, F. Crăciunoiu,
Dana Cristea, Anca Paraschiv, F. Căldăraru Proc. SPIE Advanced
Topics in Optoelectronics Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies II Vol. 5972,
p. 205-210, 24-26 Nov. 2004, Bucharest, Romania |
A.Vasile, F.Craciunoiu, D.Cristea - “MOEMS for Environmental Applications: - “Real-Time
Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Chemo-Optical Sensors”,SPIE 5972, pp. 59720U1-6.
Caldararu, Senior Member IEEE, Stefan Patrascu, Mira Caldararu, Anca
Paraschiv - Higher Education
Level Laboratory For Real Time Pollution Monitoring, Proceedings of
IGARSS'03 Conference, vol. VII, pp. 4587-4589, July 21 - 24, 2003,
Toulouse, France |
Cristea, Florin Craciunoiu, Mircea Modreanu, Mira Caldararu, Ileana Cernica- Photonic
circuits integrated with CMOS compatible photodetectors, Optical Materials, Vol 17/1-2,2001, pp. 201-205 |
Caldararu, Alexandru Vasile, Mira Caldararu - Autonomous system for real time air
pollution monitoring using semiconductor toxic gas sensors, ISSE 2001,
Calimanesti - Caciulata, Romania, May 5 - 9, 2001 (in Romanian) |
Cristea, Florea Craciunoiu, Mira Caldararu - Silicon Optoelectronic
Integrated Circuits for MOEMS, Proc.
SPIE Symposium Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MOEMS
-DTIP'2000, Paris, Franta,Vol. SPIEE 4019, pp.516-525, 2000 |
Cristea, F.Craciunoiu, M.Caldararu - Components for optoelectronic and photonic integrated
circuits - design, modelling, manufacturing and monolithic integration on
silicon, Materials Science and
Engineering B74, (2000.), pp. 89-95 |
Florin Caldararu, Stefan Patrascu, Mira Caldararu, Anca Paraschiv, Dan Nicolaescu - The far to equilibrium time-evolution of the ozone layer:Steady-state and critical behaviour, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 33, no. 26, pp. 4243 – 4254, 1999 |
Florin Caldararu, Mira Caldararu, Stefan Patrascu, Anca Paraschiv, Dan Nicolaescu - Natural And Anthropogenetic Pollution Limits Of The Stratospheric Ozone, at the IGARSS ’99 Conference, Hamburg, June 28 – July 02, 1999, vol. II, pp. 843 - 845 |
Florin Caldararu, Stefan Patrascu, Mira Caldararu, Anca Paraschiv, Dan Nicolaescu - Ozone Distribution in the Stratosphere-Troposphere System Using the Interdisciplinary Physics Modelling, at the IGARSS’97 Conference, Singapore, August 3-8, 1997 |
Florin Caldararu, Stefan Patrascu, Mira Caldararu, Dan Nicolaescu - Time-evolution of the ozone layer: steady-state conditions from irreversible thermodynamics modelling at Fourth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Aspects in Geosciences, June 16-19, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Florin Caldararu, Stefan Patrascu, Mira Caldararu, Dan Nicolaescu - Thermodynamically Modelling of the Ozone Layer Evolution, Rev. Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 40, pp. 81-96, 1996 |
Florin Craciunoiu, Mira Caldararu, Dan Dascalu, Florin Caldararu, Anca Paraschiv, Constantin Klier - Chemo-Optical Sensor for Air Pollution Monitoring Systems, presented at the IIIrd NEXUSPAN Workshop on Microsystem in Environmental Monitoring, Moscow, 13-14 December, 1996 |
Florin Caldararu, Beniamin Cotigaru, Mira Caldararu, Constantin Klier, Anca Paraschiv - "A real -time method for industrial pollution decreasing", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Protection, p. 177, Bucharest, September 10-13, 1996 |
M. Caldararu, F. Craciunoiu, A. Paraschiv, D. Cristea, F. Caldararu, C. Klier, G. Mirea, A. Vasile, M. Nicolae - "Silicon Photodiode-Waveguide Coupling-Two-Dimensional Modelling", Software Simulation and Experiments, Solid-State Electronics, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 1649-1657, 1996 |
F. Caldararu, N. Bunea, M. Caldararu, A. Paraschiv - "Optoelectronic Transducer Automatic System for On-Line Yarn Parameters Determination", Proceedings of the NEXUS Workshope on Microsystem Technologies, p. 101, October 13-15, 1995, Sinaia, Romania |
Caldararu F., Nicolaescu D., Caldararu M. - "Balance equations for UV solar spectrum using irreversible thermodynamics", presented at the Workshop organized by NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI), 2-11 October 1995, Halkidiki, Greece |
Fl. Caldararu, M. Caldararu, A.Jelev, A.Iacob - "Air Pollution Monitoring Using SnO2 Sensors" , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS’94, Pasadena, 8-12 August 1994 |
Cotigaru B., Petrescu V., Caldararu F., Smigelschi M., Nicolescu C., Stanciu C., Goliat C., Stan N., Hapan R. - The Ecosanogenetic Dimension, a Criterion of Decision in R & D of the Contemporary Product, Forum Ware, vol. 20, no. 1-4, p. 11 (1992) |
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